Wednesday 22 March 2017

Will Carry On, Carry On?

Earlier this year I wrote this blog following on from the news that a new Carry On film was being planned for 2017. In my blog I tried to temper my fears about attempting to revive our favourite classic comedy series with enthusiasm for the idea of trying to create a new comedy ensemble team on film. However since that original burst of excitement last May there has been very little in the way of news about the proposed series of films. We are yet to hear any more about the storyline for the first film, Carry On Doctors and although we know who the writing team will be, there have not been (to my knowledge at least) any casting announcements. 

I really do hope this new project does not go the way of so many previous efforts to bring the Carry On story back to life. We've had so many false starts over the years and it would be a real shame if this latest attempt proved to be another dream that doesn't come true...I stand by my original comments posted below. The idea still has potential. Does anyone out there have any updates? 

According to the producers, the film will be aiming to create a brand new ensemble of British comedy actors and not attempting to find the next Sid James or Kenneth Williams. Just as well really as in my opinion the entire Carry On team were one off talents and completely irreplaceable. I do like the idea of the new series allowing new comedy talent to thrive and find its niche. I understand that using the Carry On brand is essential to getting the film made but it automatically gives the new writers and actors a big mountain to climb. Like it or not they will forever be compared to those who have gone before. Talents like Joan Sims, Hattie Jacques and Peter Butterworth may all be long gone but there presence still feels strong and their wonderful performances live long in the memory.


Ultimately I am willing to give the new team, both in front of and behind the camera, the benefit of the doubt for now. Making any new British film is fraught with difficulty and a real challenge to get off the ground so I really do wish them luck. I just wonder whether the moment for Carry On comedy on the big screen has passed. The original films were certainly saucy, frequently rude and often a bit naughty but at their core was a delightful innocence. There were in some respects more innocent, less knowing times. Times have changed and things have moved on at a hell of a pace since the heyday of the Carry On films. Do we all now know too much to find a return to nudge nudge wink wink gags amusing? Possibly. Either that or it could a tremendous blast of fresh air and just what we all need in these troubled times.



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