For the past few weeks I have been collecting comments and quotes from a wide variety of people who all love the Carry On films and who all, in some way or another, are connected to Carry On Blogging. As part of my week to celebrate 1000 blogs, I've collated these lovely comments together into three blog posts of which this is the very first.

The Carry Ons always had very good scripts and very well cast with actors and actresses who they knew could deliver the goods and preferably in one take to keep costs down…and of course plenty of beautiful girls."
Fenella Fielding, Actress

Simon McKay, Radio Presenter You can listen to Fenella and Simon's Radio Shows here
"The Carry On's have formed such a big part of my life from being very young. The wonderful memories that they conjur up are always with me.
I doubt that we will ever see anything like them again."
Callum Phoenix, superfan
Carry-On films take me back to the house I grew up in, so there is a
comforting feeling about them, even if I’ve seen them numerous
times. They are preserved in a particular place and time, but there
is still something fresh in them here and there, even if time itself
is providing the new perspective.”
Alison Freeman, Writer & Carry On Fan"I never knew about Carry On films until the time I was offered the role of Emmannuelle in Carry On Emmannuelle. I refused the part as the script was not to my liking but before that I screened some of the Carry Ons to familiarise myself. I love them, a bit bawdy but great fun! I was the first choice for Emmannuelle because of Vince Powell who had been asked to write the script. Unfortunately I did not want to do it because of the nudity involved but then I don't know what happened to the film but I knew that my friend and colleague Suzanne Danielle was to star in it. I continue to watch and laugh with the actors starring in the Carry On films and simply loved watching Sid James."
Francoise Pascal, Actress and Producer
"When I think of the Carry On films, I always get a warm, cosy feeling of nostalgia. As with many people of a certain age, I grew up with the Carry Ons, the films being an almost constant fixture in the television schedules.It is almost as if the many fine people in the Carry On team are family really. Most of all, I will always be grateful to the Carry Ons for introducing me, at a young age, to the wonderful Sidney James, a man who remains my comedy hero to this very day."
Stuart Ball, Sid's Place Blog

"Carry On films hold such a special place in our hearts, they're a comedic education that all of us go through, learning to laugh at the slapstick as children, and appreciate the cheeky innuendo when we get older. Each film has it's own special feel, depending on the era it was filmed during - from the gentler innocence of the earlier films to the racy sauciness of the later ones. It was a privilege to access the Carry On archives at Pinewood to create the Art & Hue collection of pop art prints and it's wonderful that Carry On Blogging keeps the memory and fun of the films alive. Congratulations on your 1000th blog post!"
Odysseas Constantine, Art & Hue
"They have such a positive effect on all of us. The Carry Ons never fail to lift your spirits. If life is not great or you're a bit down, they are the perfect tonic. They are timeless, they don't really date, they are a bit saucy but it's the innocence and the charm of them that keeps them popular. They are brilliantly made, brilliantly edited films and a lot of their success is down to the lovely Gerald Thomas who everyone adored."
Madeline Smith, Actress
"They mean holidays from school for some reason! And therefore I associate them only with happy memories. School holidays like Christmas and Easter, long weeks away from school, spent at home watching films on the sofa with my two brothers, giggling ourselves silly at the Carry Ons. I remember watching Carry On Camping for the first time, with my brothers and my parents one evening and being SO embarrassed when Babs' bikini top flew off, but then my mam and dad started laughing and we all joined in. So every time I see that bit of Camping now, it brings back the joy of sitting with my family, watching TV together. Happy times indeed. This blog, and the tweets and the wonderful pictures bring that memory to me daily and it's an absolute joy. Long may it continue. Carry On, Graeme!"
Glenda Young, Author and Editor of the Coronation Street Blog
"I love Carry On Screaming! Frying Tonight! And Peter Butterworth is my all-time favourite Carry On actor. And Babs!"
Jessie Wallace, Actress and Carry On Fan
Glenda Young, Author and Editor of the Coronation Street Blog

Jessie Wallace, Actress and Carry On Fan
Carry On films have always been a massive part of my life and I can't
remember a time when I haven't known about them. As I am only
eighteen years old the carry on films finished long before I was born
and so I never had the experience of watching the films as they were
released or seeing many of the cast members alive. The films have
always given me a sense of comfort when watching them.
When the Carry On films are mentioned I immediately think of Carry On Teacher and all of the regular cast members gathered around the headmasters office in their cap and gowns. It is this image that in my opinion shows best the personalities of each cast member. You have the English teacher played by Kenneth Williams who longs to pass on his love of literature to other people and Hattie Jacques who is stern on the surface but underneath has a wonderful personality and is not at all stern. In my opinion life would be extremely different without the Carry On films and I feel very grateful to have grown up watching the amazing films."
James Briggs, Blogger and Carry On Fan
on 1,000 Carry On Blogs. Blimus! What an amazing achievement. The
Carry Ons have been part of my life for pretty much as long as I can
remember. Without even knowing the names of that ever~chuckling
chancer or that nostril~flaring snob, Sid James and Kenneth Williams
became an intrinsic part of my childhood: like beloved uncles. Along
with the rest of that wonderful team, both in front of and behind of
the camera, they have never gone away. Now, the Carry Ons are firmly
entrenched as a vital part of what it means to be British, having
been included in everything from Brighton's Palace Pier to the
Millennium Dome. They remain nudging and winking representatives
around the world for this roaring little nation. Long may they Carry
Robert Ross, Author
Robert Ross, Author
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