Monday 19 June 2017

Carry On Laughing: At Your Convenience


The news has been pretty bleak of late what with one thing and another. It can be difficult in troubled times to stay positive but I think if anyone is going to keep us smiling in the face of adversity it's the Carry On team. So every day this week I'm going to blog one of my favourite Carry On clips to hopefully raise the odd smile or two.

We're starting today with one of my very favourite Carry On films - At Your Convenience. Although maligned on its release, Convenience has become a classic and pretty much typifies the "perfect" Carry On. It has all the key ingredients: a cast full of favourite actors, a script full of double entendres and even a trip to Brighton thrown in for good measure! One of my favourite scenes in the entire film is the canteen show down between Kenneth Cope's Union rep and the bosses' son played by Richard O'Callaghan. 

Joan Sims is the real star of the scene as factory worker Chloe. Sims delivers one perfectly timed innuendo after another and her laughter and sparkling sense of fun is infectious. So sit back and enjoy some classic Carry On antics:

More coming up tomorrow!

Carry On!

You can follow me on Twitter @CarryOnJoan on Facebook and on Instagram

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