A Year of Carrying On: Where it all began
I published my first ever Carry On Blogging post a year ago today, 29 March 2015. I had no idea if it would take off but I thought I'd have a damn good go at it. A year on and I'm still loving every minute of it. So here are my first tentative steps into the world of blogging about the Carry On films...
been tweeting about the Carry On films for nearly a year now and while
I've loved sharing photos, clips and opinions with all my lovely
followers, I felt it was time to expand on 140 characters with some
proper blogs. So here we go.
have absolutely adored the Carry On films since I was a child. I
clearly remember my first Carry On film experience. After digging about
in a bargain bin in Woolworths (RIP) I came upon a video of Carry On
Doctor. Encouraged by my mother, for she is to blame, I spent my hard
earned pocket money on this comedy classic and the rest is history.
an eight year old child the innuendo mostly passed me by. What I loved
as a kid was the pantomime quality the films had. Adults looking silly,
doing stupid things but obviously having a great time. Men in drag,
scary matrons, funny music and lots of people falling over. I still love
all that today and yes, as a 32 year old, I do adore the odd ripe
innuendo. As an adult, I've come to cherish the comedy actors who
appeared in these films. They really were one offs, never to be
repeated. Peter Rogers and Gerald Thomas really did strike it lucky with
their band of actors, chiefly Sid James, Kenneth Williams, Hattie
Jacques, Charles Hawtrey and my own personal favourite: the glorious
Joan Sims. I'm pretty sure we'll never see their like again.
I soon became an avid collector of all the Carry On films. I set the video recorder late at night
whenever one appeared and watched them religiously. I still do (ok, not
the video recording bit). They represent a Britain that never really
existed but sneakingly we'd all admit to wishing we could be a part of.
It dealt in cliches and at times they were over the top and incredibly
politically incorrect. They drifted in and out of fashion but will
always be a part of our culture. They scream Britishness and they do
make me proud.
remember the moment I first saw a Carry On film on the big screen. In
my teenage years I dragged a friend to a cinema in Glasgow which had
organised a showing of six films back to back throughout one rainy
Sunday. Apart from a quick trip out for fish and chips I think we
managed through every single one. It was magic. A few years later,
before the world of work came calling I made a joyful geeky pilgrimage
around some of the locations used in the Carry Ons. We visited Pinewood
Studios where of course all 31 films were made. We drove round Pinewood
Green, featured in many of the films. We visited Maidenhead Town Hall
(Doctor, Again Doctor, Behind); I had my picture taken outside the
Wedded Bliss Agency in Windsor and the church used in Carry On Matron.
It was anorak time and I adored it. I also took the opportunity to do
some blue plaque spotting, tracking down Sid's in Ealing, Kenneth
Williams' near Great Portland Street, Joan's in Kensington and Hattie
Jacques' out at Earls Court.
enough of my geeky recollections for now. What about this blog? Well I
will use it to natter on about all things Carry On. The films
themselves, the actors involved, my views, opinions and any interesting
tit bits I can find. I'll also encourage feedback and comments from any
fellow Carry On aficionados out there - so get in touch via Twitter or
leave a comment here on the blog.
So Carry On Tweeting, Carry On Following and Carry On Commenting!
Follow me on Twitter @CarryOnJoan
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